Elizabeth McMahon, PhD
Clinical Psychologist Private Practice

Dr. McMahon specializes in evidence-based treatment for anxiety and has been using virtual reality (VR) with clients since 2010. She currently provides training and consultation on VR exposure therapy (VRET), benefits and risks of VR, integrative cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for panic, anxiety, and fears, interoceptive exposure, and related topics. 

Her book Virtual Reality Therapy for Anxiety: A Guide for Therapists (with D. Boeldt, PhD) explains how mental health professionals can use VR in treating a wide range of anxiety disorders. Research supporting VR therapy is summarized. Case examples bring the information to life. The book is part of Stanford Virtual Reality Immersive Technology's training curriculum. 

Dr. McMahon has also written a client self-help book, Overcoming Anxiety and Panic interactive guide, which explains how anxiety and panic develop and what happens within the brain and body. The reader is guided through specific steps and exercises helping them overcome anxiety, fear, and panic. Her other publications include book chapters and articles in peer-reviewed journals on VR therapy for anxiety disorders.

Her webinar “Virtual Reality (VR) for Anxiety and Phobia Treatment” is available on

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